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  • Children in Need - Friday 20th November

    Wed 11 Nov 2020

    Please donate to the above link. Thank you.


    Due to school photos our Children in Need fund raising day will be the following week. We are having a “break the rules day”. You will be fined 50p for each rule broken.


    You are still expected to wear your school uniform, you can however wear a coloured jumper instead of a school jumper to break a rule but you will still need to wear school skirt/trousers and polo shirt.


    Rules to break!  (You cannot choose your own!)

    Crazy hair

    Wear Trainers

    Wear a temporary Tattoo

    Wear a hat

    Bring any snack at break time – Please remember we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL

    Wear Nail Varnish

    Wear makeup

    Wear bright socks/tights
