Nuthatch (Reception and Year 1)
Exmoor Zoo visited school during Geography week. We saw giant African snails, stick insects, a snake and a meerkat. We also looked at some artefacts together.
the queens coronation
Today we worked in small groups to make Easter Gardens. We recalled parts of the Easter story while we made them.
Mr and Mrs Hunt brought their lambs to school today.
The naughty bus made everyone unhappy

More unhappy passengers


We have made a video of what the passengers might say to the bus!

Visit from Taunton Museum- we are learning about old and new toys.
Welcome back
I hope you've had a lovely half term. We have got some lovely things planned for the next few weeks including a visit from the life bus, celebrating St David's Day and a visit from the museum service to look at toys from living memory. The knowledge organisers below will give you more detail. We are hoping to have a fair to introduce toys from the past so if you have hoopla, splat the rat, hook the duck or any large garden games please may we borrow them for Monday 7th, please let me know if you have any.
Our text this half term will be 'The Naughty Bus,' and we will be having lots of adventures exploring this text.
I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Knowledge organiser spring 2 2022
We have been learning about Polly put the kettle on and made some toast over a fire!
Forest school and puppet making
Welcome back
This half term we are looking at traditional tales, focusing on the three little pigs. We are looking at materials, seasons and weather in particular. Please have a look at the knowledge organisers as they will give you examples of the vocabulary and knowledge your child should develop. Our maths follows the white rose scheme and I have included links so you can see what is being taught and when it is being taught. We are still changing books on Wednesday so please return bags and books then. All reception children will be looking at phase 3 phonics and learning di-graphs(two letters that make one sound). Resources here will support you help your child. Year One children will be looking at phase 4 and phase 5 phonics. if you wish to find out more please look at www.letters and sounds at the appropriate levels. As usual if you have any questions please don't hesitate to have a chat.