Writing successes!
Somerset Anne Frank Creative Writing Awards 2022-23
For the third competition in a row, we entered into the Somerset Anne Frank Creative Writing Awards. This year, the children had the tricky quote, "No one has ever become poor by giving..." which came from an essay that Anne Frank wrote a few months before her capture. The children explored this quote and wrote diary entries based on it.
This year, the children completely excelled! Out of the 15 shortlisted candidates, 13 were from our school! To make this even more amazing, children from 20 schools took part! We returned to Wells Cathedral again this year and were a sizeable majority. There was quite a reaction from the crowd when they noticed so many children with the same sky blue jumper walked up to collect their certificates and copy of Anne Frank's diary.
To top it off, Amelia C came third (and very excitedly went up to collect her further prize of £25 book tokens) and then Aston came second (and collected his further prize of £50 of book tokens).
You can read the shortlisted entries below.
Somerset Anne Frank Creative Writing Awards 2021/22
The Somerset Anne Frank Awards returned after a year's break due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All of the children in Kestrel Class were able to take part this year and worked hard to create a diary entry. At the final, held at Wells Cathedral, we had 1 shortlisted entrant this year, Brooke in year 5, whose 'highly commended' entry you can read below.
Somerset Anne Frank Creative Writing Awards 2019/20
This year, we entered the Somerset Anne Frank Awards Creative Writing Competition, which we hopefully make a yearly event for the children in Kestrel Class. To find out more about the awards checkout their website.
The children below were invited to a ceremony at the Brewhouse, where they received a certificate and a copy of Anne Frank's diary.
Our highly commended entries this year (2019/20) were: