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Daily Jobs

S2-week 12-13.7.20-17.7.20

Hello everyone! I hope you are ready for the last week of the summer term. You have all worked so hard, many of you working at home. We are all very proud of you and are looking forward to celebrating what you have achieved, in September.

This week’s topic is ‘Around the world’.

This topic can also include thinking about the OLYMPIC GAMES. The amazing athletes come from different countries all over the world. Why not find out about an athlete from your favourite sport.

Which countries have hosted the Olympics?

When did England last host? What was built especially for it?

Can you name any famous British athletes?

How and where did the Olympics originate?

France is due to host the Olympics in 2024. Find out about the capital city – Paris.

Can you find France on a map? If you were going to watch the Olympic games, how would you get there? Where would you stay? What might you have to eat?

Do you know any French words?

Plan a virtual trip.


Design your own Olympic games kit.

Make an Olympic torch


Make a headdress wreath like they wore in ancient Greece.


Design a mascot for the next Olympics in France.


Redesign the Olympic rings logo.



Art around the world

Just choose a country and research their art. Send in a picture so that we can guess which country it comes from.

Get to know a French artist called Claude Monet.

He was an impressionist and he liked painting water. Have a try at painting like Mr Monet.

My favourite artist is Vincent Van Gogh. Where did he come from?

Which paintings did he do when he lived in France?


Another of my favourite artists is William Morris.

Where did he come from? Can you see what he used as inspiration for his work?



Year one  Be a leaf detective!

Collect as many leaves as you can from your garden. Try and work out which plant they came from and name them. Sort them in different ways such as by shape or colour.

Draw a plant and label the parts and what they do.

What does a plant need to grow?

Where do plants grow best?

Make a poster for a reception child to tell them how to grow a bean plant.


Make a list of ten things that are living and ten that are not living.

Year two

What do animals need to survive?


What types of food do animals eat?

Make a poster for an animal, from anywhere in the world, explaining why they live there. Include what they eat and how they survive.



Imagine you have a magic carpet and it can take you anywhere in the world. Where would you go? What would you see? Who would you take with you?  Write a story and use lots of describing words in your writing.

Year Two try and use joined up handwriting for the whole story.


Can you think of a country for every letter of the alphabet?


Do you have any books written by Julia Donaldson?


Watch Zog.

Write a description of Zog or one of his friends.

In year one Zog learned……..

In year two Zog learned to….

Can you make up some other things that Zog might have learned while he was at school.

Would you like to go on an adventure with Zog? You could fly anywhere in the world. Where would you go? What animals would you see in different countries?

I would see a lion in ………..

I would see a ……………………………….

Princess Pearl wanted to be a doctor, what would you like to be when you grow up?

Here are some others to watch :-



End of summer term year one assessments.

End of summer term year two assessments


Click on the measurement unit:-

Year one to concentrate on weighing:-

Measure mass

Compare mass

Year two concentrate on temperature.

Revise counting in tens and ones.



Find out about some famous explorers from around the world.

Who was Christopher Columbus and what did he do?



Oceans of the world

Can you look at a map of the world and name the oceans? How many are there?

Write some facts about the Oceans, such as, which is the largest.

Which ocean is the warmest?

Which ocean is the bluest?


Which creature would you most like to meet from the ocean and why? Draw a picture or write a story about the day you saw a …….


BBC LET’S MOVE- summer holidays

1.Get about.




I am looking forward to seeing you all in September. Some of you will return to Robin Class and some of you will be moving on. But where ever you are going to, it will be the next step in your educational journey and I know you will have a wonderful time!


You may like to do this over the holidays:-



                                   HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

S2 week 11      6.7.20-10.7.20

Hello everyone, how are you all doing? Do look on our blog. You have been sending in some lovely work. Well done.

This week’s topic is TRANSPORT !


Make a list of all the kinds of transport you can think of. Don’t forget to include spaceships!

 Now sort them into past and present.

Here are some other ideas to get your mind working.

Think about all the forms of transport you have been on. Where did you go?

Ex:-     I went on a ………………. to……………………………………when I went to see…………

Perhaps you can plot your journeys on a map.



Lots of artists, such as Picasso, make pictures by cutting up other pictures. This is called a collage.  

Take a look.


Why not try and make a collage of different modes of transport by drawing or colouring then cutting them up and putting them together again. These mindfulness sheets could help, use magazines or newspaper cuttings or just draw your own.

Name your new transport creation.


This is a video, made for children, about Pablo Picasso. It is very interesting. I especially like the quote at the end that Picasso says

‘’I am always doing the things I can’t do, because that’s how I get to do them.’’

Watch the real Picasso at work!

Could you be the next Picasso?





Don’t forget to use the online lessons from White Rose, BBC bitesize and Oak academy.

Picasso started a new movement called the Cubists. Does that sound like a 3d shape? List all the 3d shapes you can remember. Can you spot some in your house? Tally each shape and draw a block graph. Do the same for 2d shapes.

Year two, can you recall any properties of 3d and 2d shapes?



If you live near a road you can do a tally of different vehicles that pass by in one hour. You could also do vehicle colours. Present your findings in a block graph.

Challenge cards


Find out what time it is in other countries. Work out what the time difference is when it is noon here.








Have a look at the new phonics fairy stories.

Number 17 Caveman Dave is all about split digraph a-e.

Number 19 is -ure

Can you make a list of words with the -ure sound in?

Use them to write some sentences.

Write a story about a magic vehicle. It can take you anywhere in the world. What would it be? Where would you go? What would you see?


Round the world in eighty days by Jules Verne.

Watch the trailer and write down how many modes of transport you notice.


Compare that to the trailer for the older film version, do you see any different forms of transport? Do they show some the same?

Reading comprehension



How would you travel around the world?

Which countries would you pass through?

Who was the first person to travel around the world?


Isambard Kingdom Brunel was a famous engineer. He built bridges, boats, trains and tunnels. Find out a bit about him.

Make a poster about I.K. Brunel.


Get a world map and plot a route.

Google maps may help to visualise the countries you will pass through.

Can you name the capital cities for all the countries you travel through?

 Are there any famous landmarks you would go to see while in those countries?

Year 2

Do you know who Mark Beaumont is?

What mode of transport does he use and what is he trying to achieve?



Can you think of any songs about transport?

The band Queen sing one about a bicycle race.

Change the words to train or car etc

I want to drive my steam train,

I want to drive my train…..etc


another bicycle song especially for Daisy!

‘The wheels on the bus ‘is one we all know.



There are lots of suggestions for different modes of transport to make on the Robinhood topic plan but I would like you to build a boat!

Design it first, what will you build it out of if you need it to float?

Remember which different materials are good at floating.( You could do some testing of your own here if you like) Now build it. Then you are going to predict if it will float or not. Now test it out!



Have you heard of the Titanic?

It was a wonderful ship but it wasn’t strong enough.




Road safety

Do you have a bicycle? What do you wear to keep safe?

Draw a picture of a bicycle and label all the parts.


Life goals

Over the past few weeks, we have learned about people who have achieved amazing things in their life. Such as going to the moon or travelling around the world.

What might your life goal be?





S2 WEEK 10         29.6.20-3.7.20

Hello everyone!

 I hope that you have had a good week and enjoyed the weather. Did you enjoy last week’s blog all about space? I did! If you didn’t manage to research some different astronauts make sure you do. We have mentioned Neil Armstrong, Tim Peake and Mae Jemison can you find out about any more? Look down at the history unit.

Did you listen to Look up! By Nathan Bryon ? It was suggested on the topic website. I loved the illustrations. You can even have a master class with the illustrator.

We also had lots of fun thinking up different animals to go into space and the writing the headlines. Such as :-

Harold the giraffe orbits the moon!

We are carrying on this week by thinking about aliens.

First let’s get into the alien mood by listening to Let’s Move!


2.Meet the aliens




There are lots of wonderful books about aliens. Many of them can be read online but check your bookshelves and see what turns up. You might have Aliens love underpants.

Can you spot all the rhyming words? Go back and watch it again , stopping the video on each page and make a list then you will see.

I wonder what else Aliens might like to take on their trips to Earth.

Aliens love…………….

Another of my favourites is Beegu


Do you feel sorry for the little alien, I do. How do you think an alien contacts his mum? What do you think he would say? Why not make some alien puppets and act it out. Go and have a conversation with your mum and tell her some lovely things. Do you know what a compliment is? Here is one…… I love that dress , you look really pretty today. Pay some one a compliment and watch how they react. It will make you feel good to. Maybe some one will pay you a compliment.

Do you think Beegu will ever return to earth?

You could write a story about when he does return.

 Where does he land?  Zoo, park, garden centre, beach?

Who does he meet? You?

Perhaps he invite you to his planet, where is it and how do you get there?

I look forward to reading  ‘The adventures of Beegu!’

Way back home by Oliver Jeffers

Don’t get stuck like this little boy! Who does he meet on the moon?

How do they help each other?



Here are a few more books by Oliver Jeffers for you to enjoy.

Which is your favourite and why?

Can you recommend one to a friend by describing the story and why you like it.

How to catch a star

Lost and found

Here we are


Can you think of any more?



Year ones have been practising your alien and real word reading?

If you don’t have twinkl get some one to make some up for you especially the split digraph words.

Ex:-        blurst              gabe           voo                 lafe          quemp





Now write some sentences containing prepositions.


Alien description

I wonder what your alien looks like? You can look at some pictures from the books we have mentioned. Even from Man on the moon by Simon Bartram that we mentioned last week has a great alien family.


Is he friendly?

How did you meet him?

Make a wanted poster to describe your alien.

What colour is he?

How many eyes does he have?

Does he have arms and legs?

How does he move?

How does he understand you?



Word search/crossword

Do a wordsearch or better still make one up yourself.

The spaceman in the story last week was doing a crossword. Do you know what that is? Could you use the alien words and maybe make up one of your own with some clues to go with it.  I would love to see them.

These mindfulness sheets might give you and idea or look back at last week’s story video, or just use your amazing imagination!




Split pin alien


Design your own planet


Do you know anything about the real planets in our solar system?

Watch this song to help you.

 Write a note about each planet to remind you about them.




Perhaps now is the time to do the end of spring term assessments if you are able to.


Are you still doing the white rose lessons and watching Oak academy?

Here is the BBC bitesize link again, there are some great things to practise.


How did you get on with measuring using a metre ruler?

Now use a centimetre ruler.

Year twos have a challenge to draw lines:-

1cm, 2cms, 3cms………..10cms.

If that is easy do it half centimetre gaps:-

0.5cms, 1cm,1.5cms, 2cms, 2.5cms, 3cms………. Get the idea?

Write the length under each line.

Did you compare the handspans or heights of your family?

Why not make a lockdown record of everything about yourself.

Measure the length of your legs, arms, each finger, hair etc

How can you measure the circumference of your head?

Year Twos you could compare your measurements to an adult in your family.

 How much longer are their measurements?  Ex 10cms- 6cms =4cms longer

Find out some amazing space measurements.

How far is it to the moon ?

How long does it take to get there?

How long does it take to orbit the moon?( Find out what orbit means)


We are going to do a quick revision of TIME in school.

How many days in a week?

How many hours in a day?

How many days in a fortnight?

How many days in a year?

How many years in a century?

How many years in a millennium?

What is the link between time and the Earth , Sun and Moon?




The astronauts bring samples back from the moon suck as moon rocks. These are solids.

 Make a list of solids , liquids and gases.

Do all liquids mix?

Watch this experiment to find out, ask an adult if you can try it out yourself.





Classical space music

This 2001 Space Odyssey was actually written in 1896 by Richard Strauss.

Look at these picture of Space while you listen to the music.


What facts about the moon is this song telling you?



Neil Armstrong’s moon landing in 1969

Buzz Aldrin retells us about the moon landing.

Learn about another famous astronaut.

What questions would you like to ask a real astronaut?

BBC bitesize tells us all about Professor Stephen Hawkins, he helped solve mysteries about the universe. He was an amazing man!






S2     WEEK 9     22.6.20- 26.6.20


Well hello again to all of you!

Just a note, I have still included some Twinkl resources as some of you still have a login and have requested them. If you haven’t, just ignore them and carry on.

For those of you who have been keeping an eye on the weather, it has certainly been changeable. You should have seen the hail we had at school! Let’s hope that we see more sunshine this week

 Anyway, let’s go up into space instead!

DANCE     BBC Let’s move

1.Journey into space




Those of you who made glasses last week might know who Elton John is. He wrote a song called Rocketman. Have a listen.





Can you imagine a world without the ability for man to fly? It wasn’t that long ago that the aeroplane was first invented. Watch this clip to see some of the first strange ideas.


Do you know who was the first man on the moon?


Find out about the animals that have travelled up into space.


Tim Peake is a famous British astronaut. If you met him what would you like to ask him?

Write down your questions and don’t forget to put a question mark at the end.

Watch this clip about him.

Would you like to be an astronaut?

 Can you write five for and five against being one. Ex FOR- You would get to see the earth from space and that would be amazing.

AGAINST- You have to be away from home for a long time.


Watch a recent rocket launch:-



Design your own rocket that will take you up into space. Will it take you the moon or will your adventures go further?

Do you remember us reading Noah and the space ark by Laura Cecil?

That rocket had to have different areas for the animals. Make sure you label the different areas in your design. Where will you live? Where will you sleep? What will you do for recreation?


Split pin astronaut



Here is another problem-solving quiz for you to enjoy.

Year two




We did a little bit of measuring way back in March. Check it out on the website and have a go if you didn’t manage it first time around.

Year one small steps:-

*Compare lengths and heights

*Measure lengths



Year two small steps: -

*Measure lengths in centimetres and metres (cms/m)

*Compare lengths

*Order lengths

*Four operation with lengths

This is a topic that should have been covered in the Spring term, it includes plenty of opportunity for problem solving.

List five things you would measure in metres and five that you would measure in centimetres. For example:-

1.My handspan is ……cms wide.        1.My bedroom is ………..m long.

Order them- which is the longest, which the shortest.

Compare them- The ………………….is longer than the ………………..

                          The ……………… shorter than the ………………

I wonder how tall a space rocket would be? Can you find out?

How tall is you model rocket?

We all like to see how much we grow. I wonder how much you have grown in lockdown?

Maybe measure and compare the heights of all the members of your family. Parents like to guess how tall you will be when you are an adult.  What do you think?


End of block assessments.

Year one

Year two




Would you like to hear a story read by an astronaut in space!

What book would you want to read in space?

Imagine you have been given the opportunity to go into space. What would you pack in your bag and why? Make a list.

Oxford owl has lots of books about space and the planets to read.  Why not logon. It’s free!



I am going to read the class a book called ‘Man on the Moon- A day in the life of Bob’ by Simon Bartram.

Who do you think Bob is?

Where is he going and how will he get there?

What will he find when he gets there?


How do you think Bob’s day compares to that of a real astronaut?

Maybe make a list of jobs you think an astronaut might have to really do.




Make a list of facts about the planet Earth.

This little clip could get you started.

Here are some facts about space too!




We have to read the story of Noah’s ark! Where can you find it in the bible?

 Or would you be more like Space man Noah?

What would Spaceman Noah take on his Ark? 

S2 week 8    15.6.20-19.6.20


Hello again everyone!

I thought I would let you know that we had a great time in school last week, with a few year ones, in our Minecraft Team bubble. We were also able to wave and smile at the other children in their bubbles.

It made us think about bubbles and balloons. We read a story called The Blue Balloon by Mick Inkpen. Have you got any books by that author? Why not have a look and read them all. We have made a little display in the classroom.

We also watched a very old silent film called’ The red balloon’. It inspired us to write stories about our own coloured balloon that takes us on an adventure somewhere like a desert or a zoo and we get given a present to take home. The results were great. Have a go!



Some of you may have done some work on bubbles last week but I didn’t want anyone to miss out.

 Use this week to check through all of our blogs and see if you missed anything out or if you can find out anything more.


Science: Raisin Bubble Boogie Science Activity 1

 This experiment is really easy to set up and will help to develop an understanding of floating and sinking, liquids and gases.

 What you need :

 A bottle or glass of clear fizzy drink (e.g. lemonade, tonic or soda water – freshly opened)

 A handful of raisins (4 or 5 will suffice) 

Now pour out a glass of fizzy drink and drop in the raisins. Now watch the raisins dance!

What’s happening? The raisins are initially too heavy to float, so they sink into the drink. The drink itself contains carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, which has been forced into the drink at high pressure. When a bottle is opened, some of this gas escapes immediately (you hear the whoosh as it rushes to escape) but the rest remains in the liquid for quite a while. You may notice that bubbles form on the sides of the container first. Tiny imperfections in the glass/plastic make ideal sites (known as ‘nucleation sites’) for bubbles of gas to form. Dropping anything else into the drink will provide more of these sites, so more bubbles are produced. Raisins have a pitted surface, which makes them ideal for the formation of gas bubbles. When the raisins reach the bottom, bubbles of CO2 form and attach themselves to the raisins. These act like floats for the raisins and together they rise to the surface. Here, the gas bubbles burst into the air, leaving the raisins without their floats to sink again. The process repeats and the raisins dance up and down! This will continue only whilst the drink is still fizzy – as more bubbles burst at the surface, fewer remain in the drink, until eventually it will become ‘flat’.

You may like to try other small food items to see which ones float, sink or dance. Broken pieces of spaghetti, pasta shapes, lentils, uncooked popcorn and some berries will also dance. Look at the surface of each item and try to predict which will work well.

Go scientists!




Did you make a string telephone last week? They are good fun. Did you measure the length of the string?

 In school we are going to experiment with different ‘strings’ all two metres in length. Which ‘string’ do you think will make the best telephone? Wool, cotton or string.

Have you ever wondered how we hear sounds? What part of your body helps you to hear? How does it all work?


How do we hear sounds?

This experiment helps us to understand how sound travels.

This can link to last week’s work on music.

What makes sounds into music?

Why not play this game.



We use our ears which we have one on each side of our head.

Look in the mirror at where your ears are positioned. Look at their shape. Does everyone have the same shape ears?



Animal Hearing

What sort of ears does your favourite animal have? Where are they positioned on their body? Is it in the same place as a human?

 Find out about some other animals. Are there always a pair, one on each side of the head of the animal?

Who has the most unusual ears?

Are there any animals without ears? Why?


Investigate animals that use sound for things other than hearing. Why do you think they do that?


Hear is a reading comprehension on hearing.

Fact file:-

Make up your own animal fact file that includes a section on communication and hearing.



Humming- play a game of hum that tune with your family.



Make a list of the sounds that animals make. Then turn them into sentences, year two can add an adjective.

Ex A dog barks noisily.

Why not make it a super sentence by adding where it happens.

Ex A dog barks noisily behind the wood shed.



Listen to the jungle animal sounds backing track. Then look at the song. Could you write your own song to the tune of ‘wheels on a bus’?

Ex:- The cat on the chair goes purr, purr purr. etc



Sit outside and listen to the sounds all around you. If it is fine lie down and close your eyes. Does the weather make a difference to the sounds you can hear? Check it out.

Make a list of sounds. Can you separate them into manmade and natural sounds? Do you think the current situation has made a difference to the sounds that we are hearing? I am sure the birds are noisier, what do you think?



Did you read the poem ‘The sound collector’ by Roger McGough, that I suggested in last week’s blog? If not, read it now.

Listen for one minute and write down all the sounds you can hear

 1. In the house     2. In the garden

Use these sounds to write your own poem.


DANCE Let’s move- Life in the rain forest

1.Sloth and leopard

2.Flying dragon searches for ants

3.Leopard is rescued



Have you heard of the song ‘I’m forever blowing bubbles’?

I hope you enjoyed all the music ideas from last week.

 Did you make a musical instrument out of junk?

 Do carry them on or you might like to try and write your own Lock down song!

It could be about your home, family, school or town.

Use a familiar tune such as London’s burning or Three blind mice, to set it too.

You could write out the words, perform it to your family or even film yourself.

Is anyone a popstar in the making?



I have just found out about someone called Octavia Hill 1838-1912. She cared about people and the environment. She wanted to improve homes and surroundings for the poor in London.

‘A few acres where the hill top enables the Londoner to rise above the smoke  to feel a refreshing air for a little time and to see the sun setting in coloured glory’

She thought that more open spaces would improve everyone’s lives. Do you think that is important?

Would it have been more or less important in Victorian times? Why? Can you find out what organisation she set up?

Design a garden in a box. Something that Octavia Hill would approve of! Use lots of natural materials like shells and feathers, pebbles and sticks.

Do you know of any real people that design gardens?




Start by collecting lots of different containers, bottles, jugs, cups etc. Ask a grown up to fill a tub up with water for you. Put some bubbles in if you like and play!

Can you order the containers? Which holds the least? Which holds the most?

What are liquids measured in?


Ask permission to look in the cupboards and check out containers that hold liquids. What are they and how much do they hold?

How many containers hold exactly a litre?

How many cups make a litre?

Year ones, don’t forget to investigate floating and sinking of different objects and materials.


Problem solving continued

Year one

Year two

See how you are getting on in maths with these revision tests. Then you will know what you need to work on.

I know lots of you enjoyed the Mystery game last week, here’s another one.


I hope that you enjoy this week’s work, send me some photographs if you can.

Maybe as a treat you can watch a musical for film night. Do you know what that is? One of my favourites is The Sound of Music! I saw it when it first came out at the cinema, a long time ago now.



S2    WEEK SEVEN   8.6.20-12.6.20

Hello everyone!

Thank you to those of you who have sent photographs of last weeks work. The fruit salads made me feel very hungry! Feel free to carry on and finish anything before you start the new topic this week.



TOPIC  -This week is music

The topic suggests you find out about famous musicians and which country they come from. They could be musicians from the past or the present. Vivaldi, Wagner, Beethoven, Taylor Swift or Elton John.

What makes a good musician? Do you think you could be a musician of the future? What would you call yourself? What sort of instrument would you play? Would the music have words or not? Have a go!



Make an instrument

Try and make a musical instrument of your own. How will you play it?


Elton John is famous for his weird and wonderful glasses. Why not design a new pair for him, perhaps with a theme. Or customise an old pair or sunglasses. Take a photograph of yourself wearing them.

Water bottle chimes

String telephone




What amazing thing did Alexander Graham Bell invent? This power point might help you.

What can you find out about him?




This is a reading comprehension about Alexander graham Bell.

Story of the Musicians of Bremen

Where is Bremen? Can you find it on a map?


Could you rewrite the story and use different animals playing different instruments? Maybe the story could be called ‘The Musicians of Oake!’

(This weeks dance includes The Musicians of Bremen)


Do you know the poem ‘ The Sound Collector’ by Roger McGough?

Imagine the poet is at a farm, what noises might he hear then?

Ex. The lowing of the cows.

Think of a different place the poet may have gone to collect sounds. School, supermarket, swimming pool, beach. Etc


Year 2


Year 1



Year 1

Year 2



Have you ever heard of body percussion? My children taught me how to do it. Watch this power point and see if you want to have a try.


Now try some of these patterns.


Could you make your body percussion sound like rain?

Perhaps you would enjoy some music challenge questions.

I know you all love a wordsearch.



This looks fun.

How are you at problem solving now?

Year twos, you may remember that we have another way to help us with our problem solving and that is RUCSAC. Watch this power point and it may help you. We had a box of things like sunglasses, hat, and microphone to go with each step. Can you work it out?

Try these problems.

Or these:-

.There are 24 cards in the pile. You put another 20 cards onto the pile .How many cards are there now?

.Martha has 55 cards she gives her friend 23 of her cards . how many does she have left?

.Paul gave Marcus 25 sweets .He had 26 sweets left. How many sweets did he start with?

.Tim has 63 marbles. He lends 45 marbles to Sam. How many marbles does he have left?

.Tom has 4 footballs, Dave has 6 footballs and Graham has 8 footballs. How many do they have altogether?

.Steve puts down 7 cars, Sam puts down 5 cars and Peter puts down 8 cars. How many cars are there altogether?

Oak national academy have online maths lessons .

DANCE on BBC Let’s Move

The Musicians of Bremen

1.On the road.

2.Into the forest.

3.The robbers get a big fright.

Body Percussion

1-Get that beat, hands and feet

2- We have got body rhythm.



If you have missed Collective worship over the last few weeks. Oak Academy do little videos to use at home.


We have been thinking about musicians and their talents. Who do Christians believe gave them their talents?

What do you think are your talents or gifts from God?

Write a poem to say thank you to God.


SUMMER 2 WEEK 6          1.6.20-5.6.20

Hello again! I hope that you all enjoyed a lovely break during half term. I have had a wonderful time in the garden, have you?

I hope you enjoy this week's work.



This week’s project is called ‘Around the world’.

 I really like all the dancing ideas! Do you know which country your favourite fruit and vegetables come from? How can you find out?


You may like to test what you know about the world we live in . This booklet could help you.



● Create a shopping list for the week.

You can include all your favourite things. How might it change if you were having a party or other celebration?

 Can you group the items into food groups on their list e.g. fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy.

● Write a recipe for a healthy meal.

 Can you use subheadings for the ingredients and instructions.

What is a vegetarian? What is a vegan?

. Set up a restaurant .

Will you have options on your menu for people with allergies?

Look around the house for any take away menus to help you. What price is the food?

 . Design a new school menu.

 Will it be a healthy school menu? Can you find or draw pictures to add to your menu?  Will you have a different menu everyday? Will it include your five a day?

 ● Write a set of instructions for making toast.

Can you use imperative verbs?

● Design a new label for a cereal box.

What eye catching information will you add? Can you use an exclamation mark?

● Write a poem about your favourite food.

 Will it rhyme?

● Design a new milkshake.

 Which ingredients will you include? Are you allowed to make the milkshake?

. Design a poster that will encourage people to eat their five a day.


Do you know what a FOODCHAIN is? Play this game to help you find out.

Can you draw some food chains of your own? Can you draw one for a human?




Find a few recipes and check if you have the ingredients at home and cook a meal for your family. Think about a starter, main and dessert. You will need to weigh out ingredients, measure liquids and time how long it takes to cook.


Fruit survey:

Ask in your family which different fruits they like to eat. Collect the information and put it onto a tally chart. How could you represent this information?

BBC bitesize daily has joined with White rose to help deliver lessons. There are some great problems to solve and questions to try and answer.


We are also starting a new White Rose topic on Problem solving.

Year One:-

Here you have Autumn, Spring and Summer problem solving down loads. In each season there are various topics, so take your pick. Year Twos, there is nothing stopping you having a look at them to warm your brains up!

Year Two can download a daily problem, you can go right back to problem one and work from there. Write your answers in your book if you can’t print it off. Make sure you get some one to check your work for you before moving on.


There is also a problem solving book that we often take challenges from called ‘Mathematical challenges for able pupils in key stages 1 and 2’.

Twinkl have activity packs to help.

Year one:-

Year two:-

This also looks fun.



Fruit and vegetables printing:

 Look at the work of the artist: Lynn Flavell. How does she represent fruit and vegetables? Can you create a piece of artwork in the style of Lynn Flavell.

 Look at the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Using different drawing materials, can you create a picture of your own?



Parents you might to have a discussion with your children about fire safety. We usually have a fireman come and talk to the children at this time of year.

Here is an ebook to listen to with vegetables in it!



What is RAMADAM and who celebrates it? What can you find out about this special celebration? These links might help you.

Now write a paragraph on what you have found out.


Theses are some other activities linked to Ramadam that you might like to do.


Here is also an ebook about Ramadam and a reading comprehension.

How would you feel if you were trying to celebrate Ramadam during lock down?


WEEK FIVE  18.5.20-22.5.20

This half term has just flown by! We have had all sorts of different types of weather and hopefully we have all kept safe. Thank you to all of you who have sent in photographs of your hard work, I am really impressed. I hope you are having fun too. Don’t forget to have a look at your showcase of work. Do you feel inspired by the new Earth topic? Take a look and earn more points to add to your Water topic score.



I hope that you are more confident at telling the time. Check with the small steps to see if you need more practise before you take the assessment.

TIME:- this is what you had to learn

Small learning steps for year one are:-

.Before and after


.Times to the hour

.Times to the half hour

.Writing time

.Comparing time

Small learning steps for year two are:-

.O’clock and Half past

.Quarter past and quarter to

.Telling the time to 5 minutes

.Hours and days

.Find the duration of time

.Compare durations of time



Both Year One and Two TIME assessments are in assessment, end of block, summer. The answers are included, so as before, you can either write the answers in your book, download the assessment sheets or just talk it through with your parents. Good luck, I’m sure you will do well.


Here is the link to BBC Let’s Move on TIME, it’s great fun!




Use the rest of this week as a catch up for anything you feel you need extra practise on. I will give you a few ideas.


Can you read and write numbers, in digits and words, up to a hundred?

Read these number word and write the number.

Fifty-three……………………………… six………………………………………………….


Thirty-nine………………………………one hundred…………………………………

Now write these numbers in words:-





Year Two you can go back and write all your number words in a joined script. Give it a go but remember to form the letters correctly and lead in and lead out.

Q: Lucy writes an even number between 56 and 60 in words. What could it be?

Practise counting forwards and backwards in ones, twos, fives and tens. Year one start from 0 but year two can start from 0 and then any number.

Q: There are eight pairs of shoes in the cupboard. How many shoes are there altogether? Half have laces, how may is that, in shoes and pair of shoes ?

Pick six two digit numbers, partition them into tens and ones .

Ex: 37= 3 tens and 7 ones.

Put them in order of size, either from the largest to the smallest or the smallest to the largest.

Now compare them ex: 37>25    or   25<37

Year Two can you make these true?

64………..73            45…………44        13+7…….20             33-7=……..+21

Q: Jack has 34 sweets, Bella has 43 sweets and Jamie has 24 sweets. Who has the fewest?

Q: Jon has fewer than 50 setts but more than either Jack, Bella or Jamie. How many could he have?

Q: Tom has 40 marbles and Jake has 70 marbles. How many more marbles does Jake have than Tom?

Q:Sally has 35 beads and Jane has 40 beads. They want to make a necklace that has 90 beads long  How many more do they need?

Could you make a pasta necklace? How long is it? How many different types of pasta have you used?

Practise the rhyme ‘Ten and zero you’re my hero’ etc

Year Ones can you turn it into a poster?

Year Two use the rhyme to help you answer questions such as :-

21+19=          33+17=         42+28=        54+16=       38+……=50     etc




Robinhood project learning this week is all about famous people. Before you click on the link, make a list of the famous people you have heard about. What do you know about them?




Year Ones

Please carry on with your phonics lessons using phonicsplay and Twinkl to help you. Have a go at a phonics screening test.

Year Two

Look at spelling contracted words.

 ex:-          can’t instead of can not

Can you see which letters are missed out?

If you can, download this booklet to help you.

If not, find the contracted forms of these words and write them in a sentence.

       can not              did not             has not            could not

was not          it is             would not           should not         have not



While I was in school last week, we found lots of books by the author Julia Donaldson. Many of you have found copies of books by this favourite author, at home. Some of you have made puppets to go with the stories. You may like to listen to the BBC Let’s move on one of her stories.

These two programmes are about the Gruffalo!


If you like listening to stories try this link:-

I listened to Harry the dirty dog when I was little!


Here is a story specially written for this time of lock down. It has a lovely message and reminds me a little of the lighthouse keeper stories. What do you think?

There is even a competition to go with it.


Try reading one of your favourite stories to a friend on face time. You are going to have to practise first!



How have you got on learning about nocturnal and diurnal animals?

Have you stayed up late enough to see any? Mrs Gee put up a camera in her garden and saw a hedgehog. Do you think that was in the day or night?


Divide your page in half. On one side draw nocturnal animals and on the other draw diurnal animals. I wonder where nocturnal animals go in the day.



Did you colour a union Jack flag for the V.E. day celebrations? That is the flag for our country. Can you recognise any flags from other countries?

Here is a poster to look at:-


Here are some flags to colour.


Why not design your own flag.


Write a bit about the new country that goes with your flag.

 Is it hot or cold? What animals does it have? Do the inhabitants speak a different language?




I know that you are all lovely, kind children so I thought you might like to read these forty acts of kindness. How many have you already done? What else can you do to help your family?

Make a poster with your own acts of kindness.



Make a list of all the celebrations you can think of. Maybe interview a family member about their favourite celebration.

 Which ones are specifically Christian?

 Do you know which season they come in?

How many can you think of?


Here are some others to help you:-

Hannukka,  Holi,   Father’s day, EID, Diwali, Chinese New Year


You might need to find out a bit more  about some of these celebrations.


Write a special menu for a celebration you know about such as Easter or Christmas or one you need to research such as Diwali.


Design a card for a summer celebration that is coming up soon or invent a new celebration! What is it called, what are you celebrating and how is it celebrated?

Then of course you will need to celebrate it!



 Mrs Amphlett found this wonderful little booklet from the National portrait gallery.

Who would you most like to paint a portrait of? I think I would like to paint the Queen!

Have a go at painting or drawing a family member or designing your own superhero as the booklet suggests.



This week was supposed to be sports day so why not hold your own!

You can make a list of the sports you could do such as egg and spoon race or obstacle course. Get all your family involved and make stickers as prizes. It could be great fun!


I hope you enjoy some of this week’s work and have a lovely break over half term.








WEEK FOUR   11.5.20-15.5.20

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great time over the Bank holiday weekend and were able to join in the V.E. day celebrations. I would love to see some of the things you did, so send them in.

This week I will be putting up the work a little differently. It will still be separated into subjects, but I will put the whole weeks work, for that subject, into the one blog. You can still choose how much of it you do and which subjects you do each day. I will also put up a link to a whole week’s work that has been done for you.

 Let me know which you prefer.

Here is this week’s whole topic on the Rain forest, if you would like to look at this. I like the video clips.


If you would prefer someone to be delivering the lessons to your children online there the Oak National Academy lessons.

Choose a year group, then a lesson.

Also, I was made aware that one of our PDFs wasn’t working. So here is the link to the ‘Spring into Spring’ booklet which, if you able to download it, makes a lovely activity book for the children to use.



How have you got on with the whole school water topic? Ready for some thing new? Have you seen the new Earth topic? There are some great things to do and you can build up your points. Let me know how you get on.



What is estimation?              It’s a good guess.

Why not collect some empty containers of different sizes and fill them with different things. You could use lego, pasta, stones, shells, tennis balls etc. Don’t count them yet!

Estimate (guess) how many items are in each container. You will need to write it down. Then empty them out and count them! Simple as that. How close were you? Did you make a good guess or were you way out? To play again just put something different in the container and guess again.

Estimating-TIME use minutes and hours

If you liked that activity why not estimate how long things will take to do, you may need a stop watch or a timer. Or Estimate how many times you can write your name in One minute, or how many star jumps you can do. Then do the activity and see if you made a good guess.

Estimating-LENGTH use centimetres and metres.

Guess how long your foot is in centimetres, then measure it.

Guess how long your garden is in metres.

Guess how long your slide is.

Have fun estimating!


White Rose have put up some challenges on their learning page. Numbers one and two are key stage one but see if you can work through them as a family.


The white Rose home learning puts a new set of learning cards up every week and activities with answers too. You can go back and look at previous weeks if you have missed them.

Year Ones here is a little video to help you tell the time.


How many things can you find in your house which display the time? Are they all the same?

Do you see any times displayed when you are out and about? Where? Look in a newspaper – can you find any times? Can you see which is the longest TV programme today? How long is your favourite programme?


Here are some links to work sheets :-


These lesson packs have lots of activities in:-

Remember White Rose has lots of examples of the things you need to learn.

 Here is the link to year one scheme of learning:-

Here is the link to the year two scheme of learning:-

I hope you are telling the time with more confidence. Check back to the small steps, for your year group, that I gave you last week. If you know most of them you are ready for the assessment which I will put up for you next week.

Next maths topic will be PROBLEM SOLVING.




I hope that you are trying to keep up with your phonics, especially year ones.

This is a link to Letters and Sounds booklet.

There are lots of phonic phase reading books on the initial class page along with the username and password.

Year ones can practise their phonics screening with these packs:-


Are you practising writing your common exception words? How many can you sell now. Year Two make sure you are still using year one common exception words, spelt correctly, in your writing.

 Always check your spelling.

Year Two have a look at the suffixes -ful and-less.

Ex. Cheer-cheerful                        Hope-hopeless


 You can all have some fun spelling homophones such as  - sea and see

How many can you think of? Put them into sentences.

I can see the waves when I look at the sea.

Year Two, pretend to be the teacher, have a go at correcting the spelling mistakes. Click onto the link, you don’t even have to print the sheets out, just write them correctly in your book.

Here are a couple of bumper spelling packs :-



Have you reread all your books at home? Make sure you check out the Oxford Owl reading books I have mentioned before.

User name oake , password Oake

Talk 4 writing booklets

Year twos, I hope that you enjoyed the first booklet put up on to Robins home learning, year two page, called ‘The magical teaching box!’ If not, see if you can locate it now.

Year one- Pippety Skycap, a tale of mischief

Year two-The Elves and the shoemaker



Do you know your address and postcode? Have you received any letters recently? Who delivered them? Who were they addressed to? Are there different types of letters? Practise writing your name and address. Do you know any well-known addresses? Have you read any of the Katie Morag stories, where does she live?

Do you know the school address? If possible send a postcard to school.

Do you have a passport? What information does it contain?

Create your own passport either with real or imaginary information.


Imagine you live in the house facing yours, able to see all your comings and goings. Write a story about your family. Decide whether it is going to be fact or fiction. Make sure you check spelling, punctuation and add adjectives. Year twos can join their letters.

Describe your house. How many rooms are there? What are they used for? Which is the biggest room and which is the smallest?



Draw or paint a picture of your house. Notice where the doors and windows are. Do you have a front garden with or without trees in it?

Design or build a cottage. How is it different from your house?

Design a flag to put on your house.

Draw a map of your street.



Ask someone to help you to look on google maps and find your street. Can you find your house?

Now look for the school.

Could you draw a map that would take you from your home to school. What other landmarks are there? Such as shops or a park.



Here are a few experiments you can try at home.

Perhaps you would like to grow your own rainbow.

Find out all about rainbows in this power point then try and write a paragraph about them.

Do you still remember the order that the colours go in




What makes your house a home?

If you could put five things into a bag, to represent your home, what might they be?


I hope that you enjoy all the work I have set.






Hello again everyone,

Just as I did last week, I will be uploading all of the work for week three on the Sunday, so you have plenty of time to organise your week. I hope this helps.

I also hope that you have all had a chance to look at the photographs I have put up under Robins -showcase work. You are doing an amazing job and I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to. So, keep sending them in!

 Best wishes Mrs Kimsey.


Monday 4.5.20


Today we are looking at the assessment for Position and Direction.

Just log on and choose either

Summer -Year One -Position and direction

 or Summer-Year Two- position and direction.

You can print out the assessment, answer the questions verbally to your parents or write the answers in your home learning book. The answers are provided to help you know how you are doing. Good luck.

Next topic is TIME.



This website has put together a whole week of work as an Under the Sea project. It fits nicely with our water topic work and you can still pick and choose the activities you prefer.

I love the sailor went to sea rhyme, I used to sing it along with a clapping pattern. Perhaps your Mum or Dad knows it.

There is a video called Lighthouse you could watch then write a paragraph about, lots of art suggestions and even some work on time. Check it out by going on the link.



Have a look at this Ocean Habitat. There is a video, a game and a quiz. It fits nicely with our Water Topic.

Draw six creatures that live in the ocean, in order of size.

How do ocean creatures communicate?

Is a whale a fish or a mammal? How do you know?

Draw the lifecycle of an ocean creature .

Nearly finished The Water Topic?

Look out for a new Topic coming soon!




Listen to the children’s musical called OCEAN COMMOTION.

Which ocean creatures do they sing about?




Make a headdress to make yourself become an ocean creature.





Watch these lessons on chronological order, it’s funny!

All the teachers have been looking at old photographs. We always think our parents looked funny when they were young.

Why not ask to see some photographs of you when you were little. Can you put them in the correct order? What about pictures of when your Mum or Dad were little. The further back you go the harder it is. Why do you think that is?

What sort of things do you have to do in the correct order?



We can put the events in a story in chronological order.

Think about the nursery rhyme of Jack and Jill.

Jack and Jill

Went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down

And broke his crown

And Jill came tumbling after!


Draw a series of four or five pictures to tell the story of the rhyme. Then cut them out and see if you or another family member can put them into chronological order.

Alternatively, watch the wonderful video that Mrs Amphlett has put up on the Wrens page under story time.

Could you write the story of the toys escape and get all the events in the right order.


Write these sentences in the correct order :-

How to have a bath

Dry yourself.

Wash yourself.

Run bath.

Get out of the bath.

Put the plug into the bath.

Get dressed

Let the water out of the bath.

Put bubble bath into the bath water.

Get undressed.

You could draw some pictures to improve the instructions.

These are cards that can be printed out and sequenced in the correct order, to tell the story.



Do you know what important event is going to be celebrated on Friday?

It’s the 75th anniversary of V.E. day.

This is a great resource pack that includes a reading comprehension for you to do.

This is a wordsearch.

But what does V.E. day mean and why should we celebrate it 75 years after the event?

That is what we need to find out!

This next link is said to be for key stage two but I think you will like it. It has lots of old photographs from 1945 of children.

Why were they having a party?

What had been happening before V.E. day?

Do you think their experiences were different to yours?



We better get a flag ready for Friday.

What pattern would traditionally go onto the flag and why?


FRIDAY 8.5.20

Today is the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe day!

I hope you have got your flags ready;did you make any bunting to put up?

At three o’clock there is the Nations toast to the Heroes.

This is when we can remember all the people who helped bring peace to this country.

Perhaps you can plan your own family tea party. Make some cakes and ice them with a union jack! Dress up like a soldier or a child from 1945. Or just have a pretend party with your toys. Find your own way to celebrate V.E. day.



Watch this powerpoint about                                                           

Why not write a paragraph to tell me how you are celebrating V.E. day.

Pretend you are a child in 1945 and describe how you feel about the end of World War Two. Describe the party, what did have to eat.

Look up some World War Two recipes.

I rather like the look of rock buns and welsh cakes in the next recipe booklet.


MATHS- time


Small learning steps are:-

.Before and after


.Times to the hour

.Times to the half hour

.Writing time

.Comparing time


Year Ones may like to start with this Mr Wolf game.

All Robins can refresh their memory of O’Clock with this powerpoint.

Twinkl have some home learning activities on their website such as this:-


Small learning steps are:-

.O’clock and Half past

.Quarter past and quarter to

.Telling the time to 5 minutes

.Hours and days

.Find the duration of time

.Compare durations of time



What does nocturnal mean?

Therefore can you guess what diurnal means?

Make a list of animals that only come out at night.

This is a sorting activity, if you are able to print it out. If not just draw some nocturnal animals on one














I have been asked to upload all of this week's work,  so here goes!


Monday 27.4.20


Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and feeling good. Check out the work showcase so far.

 I hope you enjoy today’s activities. I really enjoyed researching to put it together.

If you can, go onto the BBC bitesize website, it has lots of wonderful things to look at. Choose key stage One then daily lessons, then either year 1 or 2. Then take your pick. You and your family can create your own daily learning, which has got to be fun!


This is the link to the new Letters and sounds home and school. There are set lessons for different phases.

The daily lessons will also be on Nuthatch home page if that is easier to follow.



Today we are thinking about God’s wonderful world.

We have so much to be thankful for, especially at the moment. So today is a good day to say thank you to your family.

Why not draw them a picture to pin up that says -

Thank you for………….    Food, clothes, hugs, kindness etc

They will love it and it will make you realise how lucky you are.

Our world is a huge place and we do know that there is sickness everywhere in the world. But there is also beauty. Just look outside at your part of the world. What makes you go wow! Is it blossom on the tree or the sun warming your skin?

Go onto the BBC bitesize website, key stage 1, subject, RE, Christianity, page 2, The world that God made.

It is a series of beautiful pictures -enjoy!



At school earlier this year I asked you who was important in promoting good hygiene in hospitals.

 Edward found out it was Florence Nightingale!

BBC bitesize, Key stage 1, History, Nurses has a video about her life. If you ask, turn the subtitles on while you watch the video and read along. You may even be able to pull up a transcript of the video.

Why do you think Florence Nightingale became a nurse?

What her nickname and why?

Do you think she made a difference?

Who was the monarch at the time?

Have you heard of Nightingale hospitals?


Write a paragraph about Florence Nightingale’s life and her achievements.



Florence Nightingale was given a medal.


Design a medal for the NHS workers today. You could put it on your window next to your rainbow.


Do any of you want to be a doctor or a nurse?


How to make a wind sock

You will need:

  • Plastic Bottle
  • White glue
  • Tissue paper
  • Ribbons
  • Hole puncher 

Cut off the top and bottom of a plastic bottle to make a tube

Mix glue and water in equal parts. Tear up strips of tissue and paint them onto the bottle tube with the glue/water


Punch holes in one end and tie ribbon through them. Punch two holes at the top to tie a string loop

Hang the wind sock up on a stick, pole or washing line. Watch which way the ribbon blows. The wind is blowing in that direction



How did you get on with the tongue twisters? Can you say them without laughing? Here are a couple more:

 Red Lorry

Red Lorry, yellow lorry

 Tutor Who Tooted

A tutor who tooted the flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
Said the two to the tutor, is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?



MATHS -position and direction

You can use your wind sock to find out which direction the wind is blowing from. Does the wind always blow from the same direction? Does it change direction during the day?

Problem solve this question and answer -always, sometimes or never.

If two objects turn in different directions, they will not be facing the same way.

You may need to do the task practically then record it in your book.

Don’t forget to keep looking at the White Rose home learning for your year group, there are daily lessons which look fun.



If you log onto Coram life hopefully you have found Harold’s daily diary, if not take a look now. Then have a look under the tab Help for children, there are more things to do.

Write down ten things that make you laugh-

My list would start with saying tongue twisters!

Here is Teddy’s tongue twister for you to try:-

Terrific Teddy told terrible tales about tortuous tyrannosaurus’ teeth!



Wednesday 29.4.20

Hello again everyone. I hope you liked Monday’s activities. If you made a windsock, I would love to see it.



When I first moved into my house it had a weather vane on top.

 What does a weather vane do?

They often have an animal on the top mine had a chicken! Unfortunately, mine fell off the roof and broke.

Can you design your own weathervane?

What would N, S, E and W stand for?



Have you been using the problems of the day?

Go onto the website, onto our class and then your year group. You should see the Maths icon. This is for White Rose. Find Home learning-resources-Primary resources then Problem of the day key stage one. They have the answers too.



Position and direction

Year one-  Line up five of your favourite toys and then write five sentences to describe their position. Use the mathematical language left and right.

E.g.- My teddy is on the left of my action man.

If you want to make it more difficult:-

My Teddy is on the left of my action man but on the right of my football.

Year Two-  Make an array with your toys.

Either use six or nine toys.

Use the mathematical language left, right, above and below.

E.g.- My Teddy is on the left of my action man but on the right of my football. It is above a book and below a bat.

Can you draw a picture to represent my example?

You could try something similar but use coins of different values.



I hope you liked finding out about Florence Nightingale. Well there was another nurse, who was alive at the same time  as Florence Nightingale, called Mary Seacole.

What can you find out about her?

Did the two nurses ever meet?

Watch the BBC bitesize video to help you.

Can you write a paragraph about the life of Mary Seacole?

How was it similar and different to the life of Florence Nightingale?



Primary Download - Spring into Spring.pdf

If you are able to download this free document there are lots of lovely science activities in it.

If not, while I was walking the other day, I saw a butterfly. Have you seen any? Do you know what they are called? I saw a cabbage white and a red admiral butterfly.

 Can you draw a butterfly?

 How many wings does it have?

How does it see?

What is it’s tongue like?

What are butterfly collectors called?

Collecting butterflies was popular when Florence Nightingale was alive. Now we prefer to see them in their natural habitat.

Draw a picture of a new butterfly, where does it live? What flowers does it visit? Give it a name.



Have you seen all the wonderful ebooks available on our website?

Just go to class pages- phonic phase reading books user name oake password Oake. You can choose by age or colour level they are reading.

 Friday 1.5.20


Hello everyone! I can’t believe it’s the first of May!

Are you looking out for signs of Summer?

What is the weather like?

Have you made any diary entries lately or looked at Harold’s diary?

Are you still doing Joe Wickes work out every morning at nine?

Do let me know what you are up to.




Year One -Try thinking of as many words as you can with -ay at the end. The first one could be May. Then write a sentence with that word in it.

Year Two Look at the suffixes -ment and -ness.

Such as enjoyment    and happiness

Do you know the root word?     happy -   happiness

What has happened to the root word?



This free booklet might help keep you busy. You can either print it off or just use it for ideas. It even has some more tongue twisters in it!





We would usually have done this at school. We would look at the different environments that make up our school site. Close your eyes and try and remember them. Make a list.

Robin Class

Old building     etc

Which is your favourite environment and why?

Do you like inside or outside best?

What have recent changes been to the environment?

Who looks after the environment? - think carefully.

What do you think you are responsible for?

Now think about different environments in your home and make a list. Explain where your favourite environment is and why. Would you like to change anything or have there already been lots of changes since you moved in?



Have you ever been to an art gallery? Is a place that houses lots of paintings by different people. Why not make your own gallery. You may already have some artwork you have done at school or over the last few weeks. Think of a name for your gallery. How are you going to display your paintings? You may need help if you use string and clothes pegs or prop them up on chairs. You could do posters inviting your family to the opening and you could make tickets and even serve refreshments. What fun! Let me know how it goes. You could give me a virtual tour.



Here is a list of home learning maths websites you might like to look at.

Home Learning Resources and Websites – Mathsknowhow

 Oak National Academy  It will provide 180 video lessons each week, across a broad range of subjects 

 BBC bitesize  A complete BBC maths listing

Robin Hood Learning Projects Home Learning projects

White Rose Home Learning Year group specific free resources.

iseemaths - Home lessons

 Maths on Toast  Parents page

Oxford Owl at home  Publishers of reading and maths schemes offering free access to some resources

 Numicon resources and downloads

Maths Mastery  Primary maths and English resources 

 Messy maths  Lots of ideas and inspiration for teaching young children. 

Sumdog  Free access to maths, spelling and grammar 

NRICH  A problem-solving website for all ages

Math Talk: Measurement at Home 


If you prefer, just look at this website: -

Go to key stage one, phase one and start at week one. There are some great ideas and suggestions and not just for maths.

This is the White Rose guidance on position and turn.

Particularly look at the problem-solving questions. We will be looking at the assessment for position and turn on Monday.


Week One

Friday 24.4.20


Hello everyone, how are you all getting on at home? I was in school last week, it seemed very strange and quiet. Not like a school at all! At least I had a chance to tidy up our class library. As you can imagine, I sat reading lots of them, especially the poetry books. Have you got any poetry books at home? Nursery rhymes are a type of poetry too.

I have also been looking into lots of websites that we can use to improve our home learning.



How did you get on with the fractions assessment at the beginning of the week? If you need a bit more support go on to the BBC bitesize website, keystage one, subjects-maths, number then you will see FRACTIONS.

There are two little clips -What are fractions?

                                         - How to write fractions?

Also for six mini videos called Titch and Ted do fractions scroll down to BBC TEACH key stage one maths.





To start our new topic of POSITION and DIRECTION scroll down on the BBC bitesize maths page to :

Shapes and Movement-How to use direction and turns.

There are a couple of videos to watch.

Directions fun Think about how you move around the downstairs of your house. Use words such as

year 1-right turn, left turn, straight ahead

year 2-quarter turn, half turn, three quarter turn, clockwise, anti-clockwise

You could also count the number of steps.

Draw a map of the downstairs of your house and label it using the directions language above. You could also do a map of your outside area. Have fun!



Are you still keeping a diary of what you do each day?

 Take a look at Harold’s daily diary on Coram life education.

On Monday he was making helicopter spinners, why not try making one.

Will it fly outside?



Harold was also saying tongue twisters. Why not try this one –

Rachel Robin rolled a rosy red radish.

Can you tell what makes it difficult to say?

Year 2 , this is also called alliteration

Try mine- Roger Robin rubbed a ruby red rose.

You could write one for Rachel or Roger or use your own name. See how many times you can say it in a row.

Who can write the most difficult tongue twister?

Here are some popular ones to try out on your family!


Terrific Tongue Twisters for Kids

#1. She Sells

She sells sea shells by the seashore
And the shells that she sells are sea shells for sure.

#2. Peter Piper

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?

#3. I Scream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

#4. If a Dog

If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?

#5. Betty Botter

Betty Botter bought a bit of butter but the bit of butter was too bitter,
so Betty bought a better bit of butter to make the bitter butter better.




Make a list of the characters from your favourite book. Now make simple finger puppets to animate the story. If you have some help you could try and record the story.

(If you can’t decide on a story then use a bible story, such as Noah’s ark.)

Have fun Robins!

Wednesday 22.4.20

Morning everyone, I hope that you have been enjoying some of the fun activities set for you. Don’t forget you can now email me pictures of your work and tell me how you are getting on. Thank you to those of you who have already done so.



Why not use this time to perfect your skipping skills. If you can already skip why not look on the Jump rope for heart website, Kids, skipping skills for some technique videos. They did come into school once!



Hopefully you have all done lots of work on Fractions over the past couple of weeks so today we are going to have a look at an assessment of this block.

 Go on the website to Home learning- year group- maths- resources- primary resources- assessment- end of block

Year One the summer PDF on Fractions where the power point shows the answers so talk about each question with an adult.

Year Two the Spring assessment on Fractions. Print it off if you can. The answers are underneath in a separate PDF so you can mark your work.

See how much you already know and what else you need to work on.

Our next topic will be position and direction.



Did you make an Easter garden? Well it’s never too late.

 Make a list of what your garden might include such as the tomb they put Jesus’s body into.

Draw a plan of where you will put everything. An old tray or sweet tin lid makes a good base. Now get to work. I would love to see your plan and a photo of the finished garden.

Don’t forget to water them if you include grass and plants.



Write some sentences about your Easter garden.

Year Ones- In my garden I can see….

                   In my garden I can hear…

Use your imagination and your senses.

Year Twos- Imagine you are one of Jesus’s friends. You go into the lovely garden and see the stone has been rolled away! Describe how you feel, what you see and what you  think happened. You will need to include some adjectives and some adverbs.



Why not take a look at www.wildlifewatch

You can just have a look without registering or if you would like lots of wildlife challenges and information ask your parents to register you. Always remember to stay safe online.

I really like all their activities. Here is a couple of my favourites:



I hope you find lots of things you would like to do on your own or with your family but most importantly have fun.


Monday 20.4.20

Hello everyone, I hope you have had an enjoyable Easter, did you get any chocolate? But just like Christmas I hope that you all remember the true meaning behind the Easter story.

Firstly, I wanted to make sure you are making the most of the school website. There is so much on there, so have a look at the other class pages too. Wren's page has some great Lego and Disney challenges that I know the adults are enjoying too!


Click this link to see the resources.



Why not write a recount of something you did in the Easter holidays. Remember to start with an introduction and answer Who, What, Where, When and Why questions in your writing. Have a go!

Write instructions of how to eat an Easter egg, if you have any left over.

Year ones I hope you are keeping up with your phonics. The plans are under Year one English. You will need an adult to help you. Don’t forget to practise on phonics play all the things we usually do in class. Well done.

Year Two look at the suffix -tion . there are some ideas on Twinkl or you could look in a dictionary or even your reading book. Here are a couple to start you off.



You could highlight the pattern in each word then choose some to include in a sentence.




Again, have you been making the most of what is on the website?

Its great, just go to home learning and then maths. This is the White Rose website. Go to your year group and then the week you want to work on. You can ask your parents to print off the worksheet or you can talk to someone about your answers or you can write it in your book. The answers are provided, but make sure you talk it through with an adult.

There has even been Easter work that you can still access, so why not have a look. I love the idea of using playing cards. Send me any games you make up so we can all share them.



Were you surprised when the clocks went forward and you lost an hour? Do you know why that happens? Which season are we in now and how can you tell?


Draw a diagram to show the cycle of the seasons.

Can you think of things that indicate which season it is?

Which season is Christmas in?

Which season is your birthday in?


Click this link to see the resources.



Try dividing your page into quarters so you get four equal sections. Label each section with a different season.

You could draw a tree in each season by researching what it might look like. Or draw something that helps you remember what happens in that season. I’ll look forward to seeing the results.


Click this link to see the resources.



Think about designing and making a seasonal table decoration.

You can use twigs, wild flowers, stones and shells. Anything you can find or create yourself. Do take a photograph to show me.

Enjoy doing your activities.

Friday 3rd April 

Morning all , how are things going. I hope you are trying hard for your families. Why not offer to set the table or tidy your room. It is the ideal opportunity to sort out the toys you dont play with anymore or have out grown. The charity shops will be grateful when they reopen. You may even find some treasures you thought you had lost .



Why not design and draw a treasure  map. You could put in things like the dragon's  cave , a waterfall , volcano. Anything exciting. Then bury your teasure some where. You then need to make it look old like a real map role it up and tie it with a ribbon.

Make a treasure box to hide you map and instructions in perhaps from an old cereal box.

Make a miniture desert island on an old tray or lid.


You could dress up as a pirate if it help get you inspired.



Can you write down secret instructions of how to find the buried treasure. Use First, Next, then , after that in your writing year ones. Year two use description ex walk three paces past the rumbling volcano .

Imagine you and your pirate pet have been left on a desert island for a year .

Imagine your garden or bedroom are the island and have an adventure. You can write about it tomorrow.



Have you heard of the guiness book of records. It makes very interesting reading if you have a copy.

There is a book called Treasure Island. Maybe your parents have it and could read you a little bit from it. The language is a little different because it was written a long time ago. Do you know who the author is? Did he write any other books?


Try and read the poem the magic box by Kit Wright. I think you might enjoy it.

Look for adjectives.



What can you do in one minute?

How many times can you write your name?

How many star jumps can you do?

How many words can you read?

How long do you think it would take you to do a puzzle, eat your lunch, read a book?

What sort of things take a minute, an hour, a day, a week a month, a year?

Why might you need a timer in the kitchen.?



Set up a curcuit in the garden maybe think of four or five activities including a resing one. Invite your family to join in ex 1minute star jumps, 1minute bakance on one leg etc



As we lead up to Easter see if you have a childrens bible and can read the Easter story in it.

Above all enjoy your time at home , have fun doing some of these activities and stay safe x


Wednesday 1st April

Morning everyone. How many of you managed to write a letter? Also what about that diary, so looking forward to seeing what you have been up to. 

Whats the weather like today. Can you add it to your weather chart. Remember how i used to ask you in french. Quelle temps fait il?



How do plants grow? You have to check this ok first. Go out side and dig up a daisy or dandilion and a daffodil or other flower. Do it very carefully then lay them next to each other on the ground. You may have to knock off some soil. Parents i want them to see a plant with roots and one that grows from a bulb. Can you locate the roots , flower , stem leaves . Year ones choose one , draw and label it. Year twos can do both. Can you compare them. What is the same , what is different.



Can you tell the time? What time is it now? Look at the objectives for time in your packs.

Can you write a day in the life of!

What time do you get up , have breakfast , lunch . Etc. Can you make a big poster with clocks telling the times in the corners. Year ones o'clock and half past only. It doesnt have to be acurrate you could even make it funny ex walk the pet dragon four o'clock Wash dragon five o'clock.

How many hours in a day , days in a week , days in a month Learn the poem 30 days has September.....



Months of the year please. See if you can learn how to spell them too. Year ones can practise their lead in to each letter , year two your joined up. You can do this!



Try and write out the poem 30 days has September. Trying to spell the months correctly Why not decorate it and put it on your wall.

Can you write a sentence for each month including something you would like to do in that months. Ex In January I like to wrap up warm and go for a winter walk .



Do a minfulness colouring . How does it make you feel. Write thes feelings around the picture and pin it up.


Dont forget to exercise.  Why not try some on line yoga.



MONDAY 30th March

Week Two Monday's blog

Hello everyone . I hope that you have got into a good routine and are all being helpful at home. Were you able to do some cooking? Who has set up a shop?  What ever you are doing. I hope you are still smiling. Perhaps  today you can be helpful without being asked. Well done .



Who has written a letter before ? In this age of technology we don't always choose to do this. First, start with your address you may find this on an old letter. Remember to ask first if you can have it. Practise copying your address. This can be your handwriting for today. It has to be neat so that the postman can read it. Well done. Now practice your full name. That means your first name and your surname . Remember to start with a capital letter. .

I expect you have been told that you wont be seeing grandparents or friends for a while so why not write them a letter. Tell them everything you have been doing they will really like receiving it and you never know you may get one back. Hopefully your parents will have a stamp.



Do you have a favourite author? Look on your book shelf to see if you have more than one book by the same author. If you are interested look on line to see if they have written any other books.

You might be able to find out something about the author such as what they like writing about and where they live. Ask your parents if they have a favourite author and if so why they like their books.

Read something you read when you were younger. If you can read it to someone that is good . How can you tell its for a younger person? Do you think you can read it with more expression than you used to.

If you can get your parents to log on to literacy shed for you. There are lots of books with reading activities.


How is the diary going. If you haven't started yet. Start today! There are lots of books written in the form of a diary. Have you got any?



Lets think about plants. What do they need to grow? Make a list of things. How does your mum keep cut flowers alive. Could you do an experiment to find out how long a daisy would survive without  water. What would you change , what would you keep the same. .

Go into garden . What is the difference between a weed and a flower? Does it matter?

Draw some of each.



Ask for a ruler or tape measure. Go around measuring things.

Year one find things that are longer or shorter than a ruler. Remember to start measuring from the line. Get someone to help you. Can you record what you find Year twos measure twelve things carefully and write down the measurements carefully. Are any on the half way mark . Now try and put them in order from the shortest to the longest.

Draw around everyone's feet in your house, who has the biggest feet? Is it the tallest person?  If you have some help you could mark how tall everyone is against a door or wall. Check its ok first!

What else could you measure? Have some fun. Does the person with the largest head have the longest  arm span .

See if you have any top trump cards.  These often have weights and measurements on them. If not make some of your own.



Look up the heights of different animals. Find out where they live. Could you make some animal top trumps with this information .



What do we need to help us grow. Can you design a poster. Coramlife website may have some information on keeping healthy.



Do a workout online or just jog around your room or garden what happens to your heart rate? Can you count the beats in a minute ?

 Above all. Keep smiling and have fun.




Friday 27th March

Morning everyone. How is  the weather chart going? You need to be wearing suncream and a sun hat to keep you safe .

Lets start by looking out of a window. How does the view change from each different window? Do you like the view?


Draw the view through your favouite window. Notice details like birds , plants and trees . What buildings do you see? If you can take a photograph to put next to your own drawing.

Year two. Think how the view would change in a different season. Could you do another drawing through the window in Winter? Often we take for granted what is right in front of us every day.

Here is your chance to really look .



Sit in front of your favourite window and listen. It helps if the window is open. What can you hear? Use all your senses. Remember what they are? Your hand will help you-how many fingers do you have?

If you can go out side and sit in front of the window , now close your eyes and use your senses again. When you open your eyes make a list of what you heard.

There are less aeroplanes and people out and about . How do you think this is affecting nature?

Your parents may have heard things on he news .



Remember our work on tallying. Why not tally things you see in the garden such as birds .

Can you put these tallys into graph. Year Two -what will the scale be up the side?

If you can get onto twinkl there are some great bird tallying work sheets .

What shape is your garden. Can you pace out how long and how wide it is. If you can draw it on to squared paper Year two  , one square equal to one pace.

Year one just draw what you see and label it.

Can you put North south east and west on your drawing. Year two , what are in between positions? Have any of you got a compass? Remember to make it point North.



If you can have a look at google maps , you may need some help. Put in your post code and find your house , if you put in the school post code you can see the school. Zoom out. We are part of the world.  If you listen to the news you will know that lots of countries are working together  to get rid of this virus. Can you find any of these countries on a map?


Have a good weekend. Remember you can still do lots of these activities in your own time.


Morning Robins, its week one and its Wednesday. I hope that you have made your bed and are ready for some more ideas to fill your day.

Hand writing and spelling

Start by saying he days of the week. Can you remember the actions? This will be yor spellings for today.

Ask your parents if they know the poem about thedays of the week? Monday's  child is fair of face.... 

Year two why not write your own ex Monday's dog likes to dig up bones.etc year one think of something you do each day ex On Monday I like to.......


Can you start a weather chart to remind you what the weather was like each day .maybe use symbols for the type of weather then you can carry it on until we get back to school .



Why not do some cooking today. Start with something easy like fairy cakes. You will need to read the instructions weigh out the ingredients and work out how long you need to put them in the oven . A recipe is a set of instructions so follow them carefully. You will need someone to help you.

Year ones can you work out how to double the recipe or Year two can you halve the recipe. How much of evrything will you need .

Why not go through the cupboards and tally the food you have got .

Can you sort the shapes of the containers . Have you notices what shape your tea bags are?

Can you write a shopping list and work out how much things cost , it doesnt have to be real prices.

Year two if you have one pound to spend , what could you buy?

Year ones you might like to set up a shop and buy and sell things. What price would you put on those cakes you made. Can you give change from 10p and 20p



Cooking is following instruction. What else needs instructions?

Play your favourite game do you use the instructions?

Could you write instructions of how to write a book . What would you put in the book?

Remember to keep it to show me. .

There is a book called Until I met Dudley about a boy who write instructions of how things work. But they are very strange instructions! Could you write some instructions of how the Clockwork dragon works from the book we started to read. Draw some pictures to illustrate it.



Lets go outside why not draw a plan of your garden like Mrs Lemon's children did yesterday.

Made a list of things that are alive and not alive in your garden add some pictures How else could you sort things? Plants /not plants, Look around like a scientist, look underneath things what can you find in the shade and in the sunshine?

If you are allowed to dig can you find a worm. Watch how it moves. Draw a picture of it.

Have you got a magnifying glass to look at things more closely. Draw and label a diagram of an ant  or a ladybird. Where do they live. How do they find food?

A fun thing to do if you have lots of grass is to design and make an ant's playground. Use only natural things like leaves and sticks to create it. Take a photograph for your book and maybe write down how you made it. . Year two. you may like to design it first.


Enjoy being outside and be good , make your parents proud.

Look out for Friday's blog of jobs!
