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Robin (Year 1 and Year 2)

Welcome to Robin Class 2022-2023

Welcome to the summer term in Robin class with Years one and two.


This term in our geography we are looking at the United Kingdom. The children will be looking at maps , locating the four countries and labelling their capitals. We will also look at major landmarks in each capital.

We will be constructing the Union Jack from the four different flags,one for  each country in the United Kingdom.

Have you ever visited any of the countries in the UK. Can you find where we live on a map?


In science we are looking at plants. We will first learn how to recognise a plant and use scientific vocabulary to describe parts of a plant. the children will begin to understand how plants grow from seeds and bulbs. We will plant potatoes , lettuce and sunflowers and watching them, while considering what is needed for growth.


In DT we are talking about what a balanced diet looks like. We will look at the contents of different foods including how much sugar they contain. The children will design and make a healthy wrap.


In music they are singing songs about mysths and legends such as Saint George and King Arthur. They will be looking at the structure of different pieces of music and creating some of their own.


In PSHE the children are talking about being their best and how they can be more independant.


In PE on Wednesdays the children will be practising athletics and skills to help them on sports day later this term.

This is just a small insight into some of the topic subjects we will be covering this term.


The papaya that spoke

Whiterose maths
