Home Learning
Friday 18th February
Good morning Wrens,
Here are your activities for today
- English - Today you are all at home because of the windy weather. Can you write an acrostic poem using a weather word appropriate for today. An acrostic poem is a poem where certain letters in each line spell out a word or phrase. Typically, the first letters of each line are used to spell the message.
Here is an example for you
S is for sledging down a hill
N is for noses that are cold
O is for outside where we have fun
W is for white the colour we see
Shinning bright
Under the shade we hide
Now time for ice creams
Please bring your poems into school after half term. We would love to see them.
- Maths - Here are some reasoning problems to solve. Please make sure you write down the answers prove it and explain your answer.
- True or false? All the numbers in the two times table are even.
- There are no numbers in the three times table that are also in the two times table.
- Missing numbers 24 = _____x______ Which pairs of numbers could be written in the boxes?
- If you divide a number by 2 the answer will always be even. True or False?
- Choose a times table you know well. How quickly can you write it down. 1 x ___ =, 2 x ___ =.
- Choose a times table you don't know very well. Write it down, learn it and see if you can asnswer some quick fire questions.
- History - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zg87xnb. We have looked at some of the videos and information about Ancient Egypt. Follow the link and find the video and information about Tutankhamun. Can you create a fact file, including pictures to explain what you know about him. Here are some more sources of information -
- Art - If you have time and you would like another challenge can you choose an Egyptian artefact to draw. You could choose a pharaoh, a scarab beetle, egyptian jewellery, hieroglyphics.
Please read your school reading books, if you have left it at school choose a book at home.