18th January 2021
Dear Wrens and Parents
Welcome to Week 3 of your home-learning. Here is the timetable for the coming week. The Year 3s will be starting a new White Rose maths workbook on Tuesday. Please come and pick one up from school if you haven't yet done so. Year 4s will be continuing with their Multiplication and Division work.
In English we are going to continue working on our non-chronological reports. I think we're all going to know a great deal about Angler Fish by the time we've finished these lessons!
We have also included a Topic grid which is full of ideas for you to dip into. This is especially useful for our History topic on Ancient Greece and our Geography topic on the Mediteranean.
Don't forget to keep an eye on the Class Dojo website and keep sending us messages and pictures of your work.
Have a good week and very best wishes from us both,
Mrs A and Mrs L