Each week, your child(ren) will have a weekly spelling rule to focus on. We will look at the rule on Mondays; complete spelling activities at the staggered starts and ends of the day (as it stands) and will check how well these spelling rules have been grasped on Fridays.
To support this, you can support your child(ren) by helping them practise these weekly spellings from home.
Below you will find the spelling rules for this term. They are the same for year 5 and 6 as they share the same objectives in the national curriculum for spelling.
I will speak to parents of children with a different set of spelling rules, best suiting their development.
National Curriculum expectations
Below, you can find the list of spellings that the Department for Education expects children to be able to spell by the end of year 6. We will look to incorporate some of these into our writing.
Below, you will find the spelling National Curriculum objectives for year 5 and 6.