Kestrel (Year 5 and Year 6)
Welcome to Kestrel Class!
We are a large, imaginative and ambitious year 5 and 6 class. We hope you enjoy visiting our class page!
Class Teacher: Mrs Barnett
Teaching Assistants
Monday - Mrs Hayes
Tuesday - Mrs Hayes
Wednesday - Mrs Hayes
Thursday - Miss David
Friday - Miss David
PE Days
PE days are on Monday and Thursday
On these days, children are to come in wearing PE kit.
In the summer, the children will need to bring clothes (PE uniform or school uniform) to change into before/after PE (depending on the day) to help prepare them for secondary school and dealing with sweat and deodorants.
Children should have with them
- A labelled water bottle
- A healthy snack (fruit or vegetables)
- A reading book
Please note: all clothes (including coats and shoes) should be labelled should they need returning to them.
At Oake, Bradford and Nynehead Primary School, we use ClassDojo to communicate with parents - sharing any exciting news and update the Class Story regularly. Parents can also contact teachers through ClassDojo if there are any queries or questions you may have! You can access ClassDojo (login required) through this link:
- To prepare the children for secondary school, year 6 children have a CGP booklet for homework. Details of the work set each week can be found on ClassDojo. This will be due on Friday.
- All children are expected to learn their spellings for the weekly spelling tests. This can be completed through Spelling Shed or practise at home.
Please click the link below to see what it is expected that your child will achieve in Kestrel Class.
To find out more about what we are learning, click one of the links below.