Requests for Term Time Leave
Parents and carers may request leave during term-time and the decision to authorise these requests rests with the child’s headteacher.
Requests are usually only authorised where there are exceptional circumstances preventing the holiday being taken outside of term-time.
ADVICE TO PARENTS: Please read carefully the information below.
We recognise that there can be good reasons to want to take a holiday during term-time. However, it is important that parents/carers carefully consider the implications of taking their child out of school.
Research suggests that children who are taken out of school may never catch up on work they have missed. This can impact on their progress and attainment.
Under Somerset LA Policy no holidays may normally be authorised for any student during term time.
A school can only authorise requests in “exceptional circumstances”. The Local Authority advises that exceptional cases are when:
- Forces personnel are on leave from a foreign posting.
- Parents have significant employment restrictions about when a holiday can be taken. (The school will ask
for written evidence from your employer.)
- A significant family event or circumstances. These will be considered on an individual basis.
Please note that a request for holidays during term time because the price of a holiday is cheaper, although quite understandable especially with many family budgets so tight, is not deemed an exceptional circumstance.
If the school refuses a request for term-time leave and your child is still taken out of school, this will be recorded as unauthorised and noted on your child’s record. This may be used in any legal action taken for poor attendance by the LA when issuing a penalty notice.