School Logo

Robin (Year 1 and Year 2)

Welcome to Robin Class

Where perfect practise makes perfect!


Children should have with them

  • labelled water bottle
  • A reading pack containing their school reading book and reading record diary. 
  • A waterproof coat.
  • Wellingtons for muddy weather play on school field. 

Please note: all clothes (including coats and shoes) should be labelled should they need returning to them.



  • Every Wednesday
  • Children to arrive at school in their PE kit. 



  • Children read in their group Monday - Wednesday. 
  • Books are changed on a Wednesday. 
  • Groups are assessed and re arranged every half term. 



  • Children are expected to read at home for 5- 10 minutes every day.
  • Children are expected to practise and learn their times tables. 



At Oake, Bradford and Nynehead Primary School, we use ClassDojo to communicate with parents - sharing any exciting news and update the Class Story regularly. Parents can also contact teachers through ClassDojo if there are any queries or questions you may have. You can access ClassDojo (login required) through this link:


Year 2 spellings

What are we learning this term
