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Nuthatch (Reception and Year 1)

Nuthatch 2023


We are a mixed age class that includes EYFS and Year One children.

Welcome to all our new parents.

Please refer to the tabs on the main page to learn more about reading and writing.

This half term we are focusing on the quest of 'All About Me.'


The reception children will be learning:


To develop our social skills, we will… Work with partners and in small groups to complete challenges. We will think about how people from different countries live and work as a team and use this to solve problems and find our own solutions in our play.

To develop our physical skills, we will… Think about different ways we can move our bodies. We will travel over, under, through and balance when completing challenges and obstacle courses. We will listen carefully to music and explore dance and movement to music. We will think about how to stay safe and healthy and strengthen our fine and gross motor skills to develop our writing skills.

 To develop our communication skills, we will… Explore descriptive language to talk about the different place we visit on our expeditions. We will also begin to share our own stories through helicopter stories and listen to what others would like to share with us, asking questions to clarify our understanding.

To develop our creative skills, we will… Explore musical instruments to see if we can make the different sounds. We will explore loud and soft sounds and moving to the beat.We will experience different role play scenarios. We will also be experimenting with different media and the marks that they make

To develop our literacy skills, we will… Enjoy sharing a range of stories about different places, especially stories by Jill Murphy. We will learn the sounds that many letters make and listen carefully to the sounds we hear in words to help us read and write them. We will be working hard to form our letters correctly

To develop our mathematical skills, we will… Learn to solve simple, practical addition and subtraction problems by counting on and back. We will develop our counting and number recognition skills. We will develop our positional and directional language through map work and completing trails. We will talk about the language of size linked to human growth and look at height/length and weight. We will also solve simple problems involving money to help us buy things.

To develop our Understanding of the World we will… Explore the World around us and the different environments that people and animals live in. We will find out about human growth and how we have changed since we were babies. We will look at maps and globes and draw our own maps of the school grounds. We will find out about the changing seasons. We explore the properties of different materials. We will read and watch non-fiction stories and videos about different families and people around the world.


Avast me hearties!


We have had a wonderful pirate day building dens and training to be a pirate. Enjoy the photos.

This half term, Reception children will be following the PSHE topic of Growing and Changing. The document below provides an overview of what we will be covering each week. For the information on the Y1 PSHE topic, please see Robin class page. If you have any question or concerns please contact us.

I have added some links to some phase 3 phonic games for you to have a look at . I will enclose a phase 3 phonic mat and some captions to read in your child's book bag so you can practice reading these as well.

I hope you find them useful.

Gingerbread man at school

Still image for this video

Gingerbreadman escapes

Still image for this video
He sent us a note and led us on a merry trail.

Hi-lights of our week, experimenting which spinner works the best and developing role play for our writing.

Outdoor learning. Look at the dens we have made.We worked well with our friends.

A rocket, slime and footprints appeared outside our classroom today. We became investigators to find out more.

Learning about harvest we picked apples and baked them.

We made carrot soup today. It was lovely

Outdoor learning, making Autumn soup

weekly overview

Week 2

A letter will be sent home about how we develop reading in the Early Years and KS1. A copy it can be found on class pages and reading. A shortcut to this page is underneath. Here you will find all information about phonics and how to pronounce them. It is important to help your child distinguish the first sounds of items. I spy is a great way of doing this. The Gazette are taking photos for the newspaper on Monday, before the children get covered in mud and paint!  The children are settling in well and starting to learn routines. Year One children have gined in confidence and are so grown up helping others in the classroom. Well done.

Week 1


Welcome to Nuthatch class.

We are delighted to be back to school and can't wait to meet all of the children. Unfortunately we can't let you into the classroom due to the current restrictions but please use Tapestry if you wish to speak to me about anything or mention it in the morning and I can phone you after school or send an email to me on the homelearning link on our school website.
Mrs Gloyn,(TA)and Myself, Mrs Morgan are in class on Tuesday and the children will meet Mrs Cooper and Mrs Eastmond (TA) on Wednesday. Our outside area is looking fantastic and we are al set for some exciting learning.

The children will come into the classroom, register, wash hands and hang up their coats before accessing the provision in the classroom.
At hometime we will meet you at the door and reunite you with your children. They will sanitise their hands on departure.

P.E will be on Wednesday so come to school in your kit.



This week we will be focusing on the sounds s,a,t,p in class. Learning their sounds and identifying objects that begin with these sounds. Maths work will involve counting lots of different things and looking at numbers to five.  We will be discovering the school and getting to know each other. Please could you activate your Tapestry account. I have sent you an email link to do this. If you are having problems please email me on here.


Year One


The class room will look the same to you. We are going to look at all the new things around school and focus on learning about the Earth. We will be learning about the countries that make up Great Britain and learning their names. 

In Maths we are sorting objects and usng ten frames to count with.


We look forward to seeing you soon.

Annie Morgan


Welcome to Nuthatch Class


Class teachers: Mrs Morgan and Mrs Cooper (Monday afternoon and Wednesday all day)


To contact Mrs Morgan and Mrs Cooper during school closure please email

Please make sure you put the class name in the subject.


Teaching Assistants


Monday and Tuesday-Mrs Gloyn

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday-Mrs Eastmond


Please ensure children have, wellies and waterproofs in school everyday. It is also important that they bring a coat to school everyday as our weather is so unpredictable. P.E is on Wednesday so come to school in your kit.


To find out more about what we are learning please click on one of the links below.



To contact Mrs Morgan and Mrs Cooper please fill in the form below.

Dragon spotted in school.

A dragon has been spotted in our school. We have found evidence of two nest sites, one of which has a large egg in!

Making our own paper

Aliens love underpants

The classroom seemed to have been taken over by aliens with a love of underpants! A crashed rocket and a washing line full of pants completed the scene. Children were scanned as they came into class to see if they were human. They then became scientists trying to solve the mystery of what had happened.

This is the start of our next 'Talk for writing'. We are focusing on an information text about aliens. We will learn the text orally before writing it and then changing parts to make our own non-fiction text.



 Our Quest: The Tiger who came to tea.


As part of our work on ' The tiger who came to tea' the  children have written shopping lists so that we could buy the ingredients and make cakes. They then decorated them and practised their scissor skills by making party hats.  We planned the party together but the children were quite surprised when a bear turned up!

The little red hen


We are looking at different materials. We have been exploring how materials change and made some lovely bread.

A break in at Nuthatch!
