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As Musicians….

Children will develop the skills to:

  • Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music.
  • Sing a variety of songs from different genres across the world
  • Create and compose music
  • Develop a love of music

INTENT – We aim for

  • All children to have the opportunity to experience music through listening, singing, playing and performance.
  • All children to sing a variety of songs from different genres around the world.
  • All children to create and compose music.
  • All children to learn notation.
  • All children in KS2 to learn a musical instrument.
  • Develop a love of music. Be engaged and inspired by what they see and hear.


IMPLEMENTATION – How do we achieve our aims?

  • Weekly whole class music lessons.
  • Performance opportunities throughout the year – assemblies, celebrations, concerts, visits and music festivals.
  • A culture of singing. Singing is a part of all assemblies and celebrations. Songs linked to curriculum topics and Church seasons.
  • Y3/4 will receive whole weekly class violin teaching from Somerset Music.
  • Y5/6 will receive a weekly music lesson delivered by a music specialist.  This will include other tuned instruments, developing the skills learnt in Y3/4
  • Children will be offered the opportunity to participate in 1to1 guitar/violin/piano lesson. These are delivered by a visiting tutor. Pupil Premium children are supported in this.
  • Participate in wider opportunities, such as Strings day and School Sing.


IMPACT – How do we know?

Throughout the child’s journey at OBN, their musical skills and understanding are built year on year. From singing nursery rhymes and action songs from memory, performing simple rhythm patterns on tuned and untuned percussion instruments in Early Year. Children progress their skills and understanding in KS1.  They further develop their skills and knowledge of the subject in throughout KS2,  where the children access music confidently, and have the ability to read and follow a simple musical or graphical score. Throughout all of this the child’s enjoyment of music is a key element, running alongside the ‘taught’ musical skills and objectives.





Musical opportunities we have had :

  • String day at Queens College Taunton
  • String Players from Wellington School visitied us
  • A visit from, HM band of the Royal Marines 
  • KS1 Nativity
  • KS2 Christmas celebration inc singing, violins and recorder performances
  • Y3/4 whole class violin lessons
  • Y5/6 whole class recorder lessons
  • An opportunity to learn piano, guitar or violin with a peripatetic teacher
  • An opportunity for the children recieving lessons to perfom to the whole school at our Summer Concert.