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As Scientists...

Children will develop the skills to:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding
  • Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • Become equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

Science is the subject of the natural world; it explores why and how things happen. These are based on concepts, laws and theories established through undertaking scientific enquiry.


Understanding the scientific concepts is the knowledge of science. However, science is a growing field and new evidence can change our understanding of concepts. Therefore, the children need to also work scientifically to understand this; carry out experiments; and make conclusions and evaluations by thinking critically: working as scientists.

Therefore, the intent of the teaching of science at our school is to work scientifically to understand the field of science and scientific concepts themselves.


To do this, we have planned a well-sequenced plan to ensure the children experience a wide range of topics.

NOTE: The year 1/2 topics have been amended ready for September 2024. The year 1/2 children are currently studying plants.

Year A


At Oake, Bradford and Nynehead CofE (VC) Primary School, science is based on an engaging, progressive curriculum that encourages children to build on their prior knowledge. Children hone their working scientifically disciplinary knowledge through practical investigations that spark their curiosity and allow them to apply their scientific knowledge and disciplinary knowledge in a real-life context. Topics are sequenced carefully for purpose, to provide children the opportunity to learn at the ‘best’ time - e.g. plants in the summer. At our school, vocabulary and substantive knowledge are a key focus; vocabulary and knowledge is reinforced and built on across each year group with teachers using retrieval quizzes to revisit prior learning in ‘low stakes quizzes’. Substantive knowledge is then tested in end of week quizzes.



Beginning with an exploration of the natural world during the Early Years Foundation Stage, our science curriculum offers a broad range of experiences designed to provide our children with a progression of scientific understanding, skills and knowledge. The understanding of key ideas in science is revisited and progressively built upon across each year group with teachers using games and quizzes to revisit prior learning. Across the whole school, our science lessons have a clear progression of knowledge and skills that aim to encourage children to move from early observations and exploration, to considered questioning and the drawing out of ideas.


In Science, we use concept cartoons and 'lesson zero' assessments alongside regular elicitation exercises to assess children’s understanding and prepare them for future learning. Importance is placed on first hand experiences with children provided with access to a wide range of resources, including the local environments of our local areas.


All children have a confident grasp of scientific vocabulary across the wider curriculum through embedding taught vocabulary and revisiting the vocabulary of prior learning, using targeted reading materials with a science theme. Overall, we broaden all children’s scientific knowledge and their view of the world around them, whilst promoting their curiosity and a love for enquiry with children wanting to explore new things and ideas.



The impact of science is assessed in a variety of ways. Book looks, discussions with staff and comparison to planning is used by the subject leader to gain an insight of science teaching in practise. In addition to this, the subject leader conducts informal pupil interviews alongside the child’s learning journey to ensure that learning has been achieved sufficiently and can be recalled when prompted. Through this, it is evident that pupils are excited and curious about history.


This also provides opportunities to identify areas that the subject could progress with and bring the subject forward.
