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Where possible, English content will be linked to our learning quest to develop the children's understanding of each topic. Over the year, we will cover a range of genres as well as spelling, punctuation and grammar rules. 


Reading for at least 15 minutes a day has been shown to support the development of children's vocabulary which they can then apply to new texts. Therefore, each child should have a reading book and reading journal to track their progress in. Your child does not need to read aloud to you unless we speak to you personally or if you or your child would like to. If you would like to get involved with your child's reading development, I would suggest asking questions to develop children's comprehension (understanding of the text) skills.


More information about English:



In maths, we follow the NCETM spines of learning which have been aligned to broadly follow the White Rose scheme of learning which is used to support children's mastery of mathematics. This is because we aim to develop children's mathematical fluency and their problem-solving skills. To build children's mastery of mathematical concepts, we build upon their understanding with manipulatives (mathematical apparatus, such as place value counters etc.), drawings and through more abstract work. We also complete a range of mathematical activities and investigations.


For the majority of lessons, the children will learn as a whole class (with aligned curriculum objectives - see below). The maths lesson structure will vary dependent on the learning. This may be:

  • In two parts with a spelling session between. The first part being teaching and fluency work and the second being for reasoning and problem solving. The break for spelling gives me time to check work and apply instant intervention.
  • In two parts with different focuses either side of a spelling session (see above).
  • A whole lesson where the children make small steps throughout. The spelling session would be after the lesson.


Although year 5 and year 6 have different national curriculum objectives, many are similar, which allows us to learn maths as a whole class and slightly alter the expectations for year 6. To see the national curriculum objectives for each year group, click on the links below:



Our Learning Quests

We learn the rest of the National Curriculum through our termly learning quests. The learning quests include a range of subjects, taught in a cross-curricular style to allow the children to explore the links between subjects.
