At the end of the year it is expected that your child will:
In English (writing), we are aiming to:
- write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences, selecting language that shows good awareness of the reader (e.g. the use of the first person in a diary; direct address in instructions and persuasive writing)
- in narratives, describe settings, characters and atmosphere
- integrate dialogue in narratives to convey character and advance the action
- select vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect what the writing requires, doing this mostly appropriately (e.g. using contracted forms in dialogues in narrative; using passive verbs to affect how information is presented; using modal verbs to suggest degrees of possibility)
- use a range of devices to build cohesion (e.g. conjunctions, adverbials of time and place, pronouns, synonyms) within and across paragraphs
- use verb tenses consistently and correctly throughout their writing
- use the range of punctuation taught at key stage 2 mostly correctly (e.g. inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech)
- spell correctly most words from the year 5 / year 6 spelling list, and use a dictionary to check the spelling of uncommon or more ambitious vocabulary
- maintain legibility in joined handwriting when writing at speed
Children are allowed a significant weakness (mainly in spelling or handwriting).
In maths, we are aiming to:
Please see the national curriculum objectives through the link below.
In science, we are aiming to:
- describe and evaluate their own and others’ scientific ideas related to topics in the national curriculum (including ideas that have changed over time), using evidence from a range of sources
- ask their own questions about the scientific phenomena that they are studying, and select the most appropriate ways to answer these questions, recognising and controlling variables where necessary (i.e. observing changes over different periods of time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying things, carrying out comparative and fair tests, and finding things out using a wide range of secondary sources)
- use a range of scientific equipment to take accurate and precise measurements or readings, with repeat readings where appropriate
- record data and results using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs
- draw conclusions, explain and evaluate their methods and findings, communicating these in a variety of ways
- raise further questions that could be investigated, based on their data and observations.
National Curriculum Objectives:
In history, we are aiming to:
- Can confidently sequence time periods studied up to the present on a scaled time line both in British history and those studied worldwide.
- Can accurately place time periods and events on a timeline and understand that different civilizations lived simultaneously in different parts of the world.
- Can discuss continuity and change between two recent historical periods studied.
- Understand and use chronology to demonstrate how an area has developed through studied history; identifying what has been continuous and what has changed over time
- Explains the consequences of an event in both short term and long-term effects.
- Able to explain in a detailed way multiple causes and consequences of significant events in history.
- Able to identify key similarities and differences in the lives of two significant individuals from history in more abstract terms, e.g. how they both overcame challenges
- Can identify specific similarities and differences between different civilizations with reference to evidence.
- Can start to make their own judgements about the varying significance of individuals and civilizations using the evidence available.
- Understand how the same event in history impacts different people groups in different ways and how life is different today because of the actions of key individuals in the past.
- Using and analysing historical sources to understand the past whilst being aware of the reliability and trustworthiness of a source and what can be learnt from it.
- Understand and analyse historical sources, considering how people have different points of view which can affect their interpretation of the past; as well as bias and propaganda.