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⭐ Maths

In maths, we will be covering the content in the table within class.


Click on the focus to view a video (if there is one) to introduce the learning.

Then, click on your work below (unless stated).


What we are covering this week

If you are self-isolating, email the office and we can email you links and work.

MondayIdentifying and comparing angles
TuesdayMeasuring angles
WednesdayMeasuring angles
ThursdayDrawing angles
FridayDrawing angles


Step 2 - Work to complete:

This may not be the work we complete in the classroom. 


Click on the day's resources starting with the questions and then mark using the answer sheet. These may be separated into year 5 and year 6 - click your year group. 


The worksheets get harder as you answer each question. Go up to a level that suits you.


You do not need to print these off, you can answer them on a separate piece of paper.
